Below you will find the pest control schedule and details for residential properties within Bridgestone MUD. Pest control service is provided by Marathon Pest Control who may be contacted at their Customer Service number: (832)-934-7378. Marathon Pest Control will be targeting mosquitos during their hours of operation in hopes to reduce the mosquito population within your community.
Every Monday: Dusk-complete (approximately 4am-5am)
Every Thursday: Dusk-complete (approximately 4am-5am)
Health Concerns:
It is in the best interest of the residents of this community to not directly inhale the pesticides used for the mosquito fogging. Although fogging has not been proven to be especially harmful to humans, some possible side effects may include nausea, vomiting, throat irritation, headache, dizziness, and skin and eye irritation. If you or anyone you know has preexisting health condition then it is advised to stay indoors during the hours of fogging with all windows closed, remove all children and/or pet toys from outside, and stay off of the treated areas until pesticide is dry. For more information about mosquito fogging please visit the National Pesticide Information Center here.