As freezing weather approaches, Bridgestone Municipal Utility District (Bridgestone MUD) urges all residents to take immediate action to protect their water lines from damage. To prevent pipes from bursting and minimize potential flooding, please follow these critical steps:
If You Experience a Prolonged Power Outage, we strongly advise that you shut off the water supply to your home at the private disconnect (also known as the curb stop or shut-off valve) and drain the lines. This will help prevent water from freezing inside your home's pipes, reducing the risk of damage.
To Shut Off the Water Supply:
Locate your private disconnect, usually near the meter or where the water line enters your home.
Turn the valve to shut off the water supply.
Open the drain valves (if equipped) to allow any remaining water in the lines to drain out.
Cover Your Outdoor Pipes Before This Evening
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to insulate any exposed outdoor pipes and faucets to prevent freezing. Foam pipe insulation, towels, or other insulating materials can help safeguard your plumbing from damage.
Remember the 5 P’s of Freeze Safety:
Pipes: Insulate exposed pipes and faucets. Drip interior faucets to keep water flowing.
Plants: Protect sensitive plants by covering them or bringing them indoors.
Pets: Bring pets inside to ensure they stay warm.
People: Dress warmly, especially children and the elderly, to prevent hypothermia.
Pools: Keep pool pumps running or follow manufacturer’s recommendations for freeze protection.
By taking these precautions, you can help prevent costly damage to your home's plumbing system and reduce the risk of flooding. If you are unsure about the location of your private disconnect or need assistance, please contact a licensed plumber or our office for guidance.
Stay safe and warm during this winter storm. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at (281) 651-0861 or rschkade@bridgestonemud.com.